SEN 2640
- Youngest ?
- Don’t miss out on your medal or food or friends
- Closing, Medals, and banquet schedule
- Congratulations to the Malkhasyan family
- Lost: Wallet
Youngest ?
This year‘s World Champ Taron is 22 years old. We were wondering if there were any younger F1C Champ or other the classes. I know back in the “good old days” there were some “Young Turks” who were very strong, but were they Champs ? Unfortunately, Leeper, the historical model sport trivia guy has returned to Costa Mesa so we could not ask the expert.
…. So readers ?
Don’t miss out on your medal or food or friends
Closing, Medals, and banquet schedule
Closing Ceremony and awards will take place at the Wonderful Park Soccer Field, same location of Opening Ceremonies, beginning at 2 pm on Tuesday.
Medals and diplomas and Trophies will be award at that time
Banquet details
We have two buses scheduled for departure from the Lost Hills Motel 6 at 4 pm on Tuesday. A total capacity of 110 people
We have two buses scheduled to depart from the Motel 6 in Buttonwillow at 4 pm. Capacity of 110 people.
We have two buses scheduled for departure at 4 pm from the the Vagabond hotel in Buttonwillow. Capacity of 110 people.
If you prefer to drive to the Banquet the doors will open at 5 pm at the following location
2800 Buck Owens Blvd.
Bakersfield, CA 93308Main (661) 328-7560Box Office (661) 328-7560
Charlie Jones
Contest Director
2019 World Championships for F1ABC
Congratulations to the Malkhasyan family
By A. Schlosberg
It’s wonderful that Taron has just won the World Championship in F1C, beating some of the best C flyers in an early morning flight to the ground flyoff. His brother Sevak almost made the B team last October. But their father George, who himself was a C flier in Armenia, has dedicated his life to bringing up two wonderful free flight flyers and he should be getting most of the credit. Great job George!
Lost: Wallet
Brown fold wallet with credit cards each side
CA Driver License Name: Ralston C. Riggs
Ross Riggs Home Phone: 626-797-6690
Ross Riggs Email:
Thank you, thank you!
Robert Meacham
Phone: 720-273-8906
So contrary to popular belief not only the hills are lost