SEN 3262
- WANTED: DVD set called “vacuum bagging made easy”
- A word from the Magic Timer Factory
- Red Carpet in October
WANTED: DVD set called “vacuum bagging made easy”
From: Ted Hidinger
WANTED: DVD set called “vacuum bagging made easy”by Phil Barnes. If you have the DVD set and would like to sell it I’m interested in purchasing them. Please contact me at: with details on what you are asking for them. Please note, I need the DVD set, not the ones you down load to your computer. Thanks Ted Hidinger, Mission Viejo, CA.
A word from the Magic Timer Factory
Recently we have got more than one communication from a person reporting that they had a brand new Magic Timer that did not work and could we fix it. These timers are on the way to the factory.
However during the preliminary discussions it came out that the timer was a yellow one and the person wanted to use it for a E-36/F1S model. And that the modeler had been given it by his friend who was an expert and said that the timer was brand new, never been used so should work no problem.
Here is some general information for you .
Some Magic timers are “Universal” timers that means they can be F1A or F1BCPQS. These are typical 1 or 2 servo timers. This is to do with the way the timer starts. F1BCPQS has a start “Button” that you press and when you release it the timer starts. F1A timers have a hook forward sensor and an unlatch sensor for the timer to start the hook must be forward and them come back with the unlatch sensor saying the hook is open. This way of starting is not very convenient for F1BCPQS Universal timers have a setting that make them work one way or the other. Not all Magic Timers are Universal timers. You cannot do this with a F1A only timer.
Yellow timers are all F1A timers. They are VR timers. This means that have a built in voltage regulator on the servos and on the timer electronics. They are designed to supply the timer and servos with 5 volts. They are designed to run from a 2 cell LiPo battery. Traditional, standard R/C servos are designed to run from 5 volts. Some can run from more that 5 volts, I know this . The advantage of a VR timer for the glider flyer can use standard R/C servos and that through out the days flying the servos will run at the same speed helping maintain a consistent launch even after the battery voltage is a little lower. There are some VR timers where the voltage to servo 1 , the stabilizer servo is not regulated, this is for F1A sportsman who want to use a high voltage servo that is faster. These timers are specifically for F1A models, they require both hardware and software changes for use in another model and it is not recommended. So to fix to work for a Q or R we need to butcher the circuit board and mess with the firmware ….
Timers made specifically for Electric powered models make use of a feature that is present the motor speed controller. This is called the BEC = battery elimination circuit. In an R/C model this provides a regulated 5 volts to run the R/C receiver, in an electric powered Free Flight model this can run the timer. On a 3 servo electric model timer the motor controller is servo 2 and on the 4/5 servo timer on servo 3.
Magic Timers make a timer specifically for E-36 models. This is a timer that does not require an external programming device . It has a a 3 digit display on the front of the timer that helps you set the flight time and motor run.
Red Carpet in October
In talking with Mike McKeever and Brian Van Nest the organizers of the Sierra Cup and Kotuku Cup World Cup events at Lost Hills in October. Mike and Brian are looking to roll out the Red Carpet to welcome the illustrious sportsmen to their World Class World Cup Events. Mike and Brian and not quite sure how big a Red Carpet will be needed and do no want any sportsman left standing in the dust. So if you are looking at coming to these events if you could let then know ahead of time, like now of your intent.
Their emails are : and
Whoops I better get my act together and do that
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Roger Morrell