National Free Flight Society

SEN 3264

  1. Steve Spence


Steve Spence

We received notification below from Andrew Barron and Mike Fedor that well known Texas Free Flighter Steve Spence was killed in a light plane accident.  Steve was an all-round modeller and had represented the USA in the F1A Class in World Championships.

 Some Terrible News for the Free Flight Community

From: Mike Fedor

Fellow Free Flighters,
I just received some really bad news concerning one of our good friends.  Steve Spence was killed this morning in a plane crash.  His Champ was found off shore in Eagle Mountain Lake.  I’ll let you all know when I know more.  Please remember Steve, Starr, and their family in your prayers.
Thermals and tears,
Mike Fedor
President Texas Cloud Climbers

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Roger Morrell